Message from the CEO

Welcome to Jet Stream.

Jet Stream is the U.S. division of the PipeLife Group, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of plastic pipe and systems. Jet Stream manufactures PVC pipes for municipal water and sewer, well casing, plumbing, and irrigation.

With over 75 years of experience manufacturing high-quality products, and world-class customer service, we look forward to being your manufacturer of choice. We thank you for entrusting your business with us.

Charles Smith, CEO - Signature


At Jet Stream, we base our achievements on some very simple goals and philosophies.

We want to provide high-quality products and services, thereby ensuring that we will maintain our loyal customer base and continue to reach new customers. Our customers are the most important aspect of our business, and we strive to keep our customers satisfied as well as increase productivity, efficiency, and the quality of all operations of the business. Not only is it important to have a quality product, it is equally important to have satisfied customers.

To ensure the ongoing improvement of our services, Jet Stream seeks to continually create innovative ideas while maintaining the quality products that give our company its competitive advantage.



7 key principles form our corporate values.


We are globally committed to…


Invest in quality of people first.

We know that our people are Jet Stream’s most valuable asset and make the difference. At every level of our organization, we want our people to become best in class. Therefore, to constantly improve quality, we are committed to investing in the training and development of our people.


Go the last mile for the customer.

Our focus is external—on our customers. As we have excellent cooperation with our customers, we are aware of their needs and preferences. We are committed to going the last mile for our customers to satisfy their high demands.


Focus on innovation and speed.

Innovation and speed are the driving forces in our company. This enables us to create new products and technologies as well as processes. Innovation is the result of professional competence and creativity and enables us to deliver outstanding results to our customers.


Run lean and unbureaucratic.

We are committed to a lean and unbureaucratic organization in order to set our focus primarily on our customers and employees.


Improve performance every single day.

We are looking to always achieve world-class results based on ambitious targets, benchmarked with our competitors. For this reason, we constantly strive to improve our performance.


Act honestly, with integrity and citizenship.

Jet Stream and its employees are committed to acting in full compliance with international and national laws as well as internal regulations. Socially, economically, and environmentally, we follow a policy of responsible citizenship.



Work hard, oriented to results, yet have fun.

We strive to provide our employees with a stimulating and challenging working environment, where we can also have fun, while expecting from them a high level of performance, oriented to results.

Company History